Strategic & Pastoral Planning is a process that

Engages ALL members of the faith community

As our Church continues to face change and other obstacles, we provide ongoing support, guidance, and advice to our parishes and diocesan entities so they can create and implement long-term planning. By working together with clergy, parish staff, and other volunteer laity, we hope to ensure stronger and more vibrant parishes for future generations.

See Our Progress

See status updates made on recommendations that came out of the strategic planning process.
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Deanery Profiles

Our most vibrant parishes are welcoming communities that focus on outreach, service, and life-long formation.
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Read Our

Recommendations & Goals


In developing their recommendations, Finance & Administration planners stressed the three T’s:
trust, transparency & together.


It’s both the message and the medium.

Human Resources

Human Resource planners focused on creating the best environment for people dedicated to the mission of the Church.

Facilities & Real Estate

Focus on responsible preservation while building for the future

Youth & Young Adults

Nearly 150 planners addressed issues around youth and young adult.

Catholic Charities

The work of the Commission and its subcommittees was guided by the words of Pope Francis.